“Our birthright is to speak our truth cleanly, clearly, safely, and without hesitation or offense.”
- … been asked what you wanted out of life, and you hadn’t a clue?
- … say something you didn’t mean?
- … mean something you didn’t say?
- … can’t find the right words to say it?
- … say something, then wish you could take it back?
- … get into an argument, and every word worsens the situation?
- …have a situation get so bad it borders on or even becomes an explosion?
- …until one of you stomps out, slams the door, or worse?
Suppose you answered Yes to even one of these questions. You’ve done well.
This effort is not about anger management. It is also not a book about psychology, therapy, or improved conversation or communication skills (well, maybe it is).
Instead, this is my story—one that may not be so different from yours. It could offer new insights into yourself, highlighting what you’re doing well and where you might fall short. More than anything, it provides a path to self-discovery—not like psychoanalytical books, but through straightforward, effective ways of expressing our truth—not just to others, but to ourselves. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself. You probably won’t realize the magic in that statement until you experience it. Hopefully, as you read the book, the magic will unfold.