Oh, I’ve read male protagonist fiction lots of times. And they’re good, oh yes. I don’t mean to take away anything from their writing. However, as a female who has read many more books than she can count, there’s just something I prefer about a female protagonist.
For one, I’ve been a female for over eight decades. That means I’ve been around a good bit. That also means I know how female protagonists might feel about being cheated on, lied to, or falling for scams. That’s why, I admit it, I prefer female protagonists. Plus, you know, women just think differently than men. We’ve got that second instinct.
Add to that when she’s been made a fool of, we…. er… I mean, she… has her way of getting down to the bottom of the situation….using tools males may have never thought of. (Yes, we have more than is currently known to many!)
Women know how women think! Bottom line. And feel and act. That’s why I admit I prefer female protagonist fiction….it’s like she takes me with her!
If you are a female and you agree with me, Painted Ladies